Le harcèlement dans la rue, c’est quoi?
En général, c’est une forme de harcèlement sexuel qui se produit dans des lieux publics ou semi-publics tels que la rue, les bus, les centres commerciaux, les plages, les salles de cinémas, les parcs, les églises, les restaurants - tout endroit qui est accessible au public. Les types de harcèlement dans la rue incluent tout ceci: le fait de siffler, le fait de klaxonner, ainsi que le fait de poursuivre, de s’exhiber et les attouchements. Certains peuvent penser que les commentaires qui sont adressés aux femmes- tels que (“Hey, beauté”)- sont flatteurs et inoffensifs, mais beaucoup de cibles se sentent mal et prises pour des objets; elles considèrent ces types de commentaires comme étant aussi du harcèlement.
Basically, it is a type of sexual harassment that occurs in public and semi-public places such as the street, buses, commercial centers, beaches, cinemas, parks, churches, restaurants - anywhere that has general public access. Types of street harassment include everything from whistling, hissing and car horn honking to stalking, exhibitionism and unwanted touching. Some individuals may find verbal remarks that sound complimentary ("hey, beautifiul") inoffensive, but many targets feel uncomfortable and objectified and consider those types of comments harassment as well.
Why do you focus so much on women and girls? Can't men be harassed, too?
Women's sexual comments directed at men, although they do happen occasionally, do not come from the same place of power as men's comments directed at women. Street harassment reminds women and girls of their vulnerability to other types of violence, such as rape and sexual assault. It often causes feelings of fear, humiliation, and objectification and reinforces the unequal power dynamic that exists between men and women. Men's experiences of women's comments is qualitatively different because of the power they hold in our society, and cannot be compared to women's experiences of harassment.
Wouldn't the harassment stop if women quit wearing such revealing clothing and walking around at night?
Women and girls are harassed at all times of the day and night regardless of what they are wearing. Placing the responsibility for the harassment on the target, and making it an issue of how she behaves or dresses, is called "victim blaming." Victim blaming is never appropriate or constructive - it is the harassers who are responsible for their behavior and must alter their actions. Women and girls have the right to feel safe and confident while out in public, whether it's 3 pm or 3 am, and whether they're wearing a mini skirt or a sari.
Street harassment is just annoying. Aren't there more important issues to be worried about?
Street harassment is more than just annoying; it is a violation of human rights. Like other forms of violence against women, it causes women to feel afraid, degraded, humiliated, angry and objectified. The strategies women adopt in an effort to avoid experiencing harassment (such as only going out with a male companion or not taking the bus) limits their freedom and independence. Street harassment denies women their right to liberty, security and equality and disrupts their right to education, leisure and work. When one sector of society is made less productive, the whole country is injured. Development and equality in Mauritius cannot be achieved without first addressing street harassment.
- Ecris ton histoire sur ce blog. Parle du harcèlement dans la rue à ta famille, tes amis, tes collègues de travail et tes voisins. Brise le silence et fais en sorte que tout le monde se rende compte que le harcèlement dans la rue ne doit pas être une partie intégrante de la vie de tous les jours.
- Aie le courage de dénoncer un cas de harcèlement dans la rue lorsque tu en vois un.
- Ne permets pas que la victime soit blâmée. Quand tu entends quelqu'un dire qu'un incident de harcèlement est survenu parce que la cible souriait trop ou portait une mini jupe, rappelle à la personne que ce n'est pas la faute de la cible, mais que c'est plutot au harceleur de changer son comportement.
- Viens te joindre à Amnesty International et aide nous à mettre en place notre campagne de sensibilisation contre le harcèlement dans la rue.
- Submit your story to this blog. Talk to your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors about street harassment. Break the silence and make sure everyone knows street harassment should not be a normal part of everyday life.
- Speak out when you see a case of street harassment. Confront the harasser and support the target.
- Don't let victim blaming slide by. When you hear someone claiming that an incident of harassment happened because a target smiled too much or wore a short skirt, remind the person that it is not the target's fault, and it's up to the harasser to change his behavior.
- Join Amnesty International and help us implement our anti-street harassment campaign
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